It’s just really hard work. That’s it.

For the past five years, being a social media strategist has been one of my hats so I love to study emerging platforms and how well they succeed — or fail — at garnering the attention of their audiences. So of course, the newest phenomenon in the social space has been Snapchat and its ability […]

See, you only have this one life.

See, you only have this one life. That’s it. There are no do-overs. And if you’re like me, then you made a critical decision when 2015 was nearing its end: to never let another year go by without living it to the fullest. One thing I learned is that living small is not always living. […]

Put Yourself in That Place

I sold out. Three times. Three times, I placed orders with my printer and three times, I was unsure of my ability to sell what I was paying to print. Essentially, I was doubting myself. I went to speak at an elementary school career day this morning where one of the students asked me, “Have […]

The Truth About Fears and Vision

With the new year approaching (Whoo hoo!), I wanted to share with you the ways I’m using my own Dreamer’s Notebook to have my best year yet. And, I’m pretty confident that I will. For me, 2016 is all about tackling my fears — those horrible things that stay in the back of my mind and […]